I started Historic Connections way back in 2003 after some prompting from a friend while helping source some replica oil lamps. I managed to find a man in Israel who had connections with a potter in Hebron and so a series of replica oil lamps was found. Over the following months one request led to another and here 20 year later Historic Connections has connected thousands of customers to the wonders of ancient history with a focus on hands on learning. I quickly discovered that by using more of your senses, you change the way we learn and grasp what you see. So my main focus has been developing resources that allow you to see, touch, feel and experience in a whole new way.
Over the years I have supplied production companies, publishers, museums and educational facilities all over the world. I have met some amazing people from all walks of life. I developed a range of replica artefacts as a source of hands on activities for schools including many "Classroom Handling Kits" that allowed students in schools here in Australia to learn in a new way.
I helped a friend develop a large travelling interactive archaeology facility called the Tutroadshow that travels to schools all over Australia.
My favourite topic is the "History of Writing" and so my favourite page is my manuscripts page. I make reproductions of ancient manuscripts to order or you can check out what I have already available. Use the contact link to enquire.
Most of my products are made to order and are not always in stock and some are sourced from associates of mine in the US or elsewhere. Hence I do not have an online checkout. You simply use the contact page to enquire about availability and I will get back to you with a price (In Australian Dollars) and including shipping costs. I will then invoice you before I ship the items.

Special orders...
I am at times asked to make reproductions of items from various fields of ancient history and archaeology. Most of these requests come from educators
and public facilities for display.
If you have a request please contact me using the contact link on this page as I may be able to help. Note: I only make items for use in education or display and will not accept any requests for items that may be used otherwise.
See some of the projects I have been involved in below.