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Other Civilisations

Here I will make available a limited number of resources from other civilisations ....

Mayan Glyph Disc_edited.png

Mayan Glyph Disc

A ceramic disc displaying a Mayan man carrying a "Glyph" on his back in a crouched pose. The disc is surrounded by Mayan glyphs.

A great piece for displaying to artistic character of the glyphs of the ancient Mayans. 90mm diameter.


$9.95AUD plus P&H 

Chavin Ceramic Head Vessel - Peru

A pottery vessel in the form of a head. Grey/brown ceramic from Peru. The vessel has decoration that resemble the Nascar lines. 

900-200BC Reproduction. 130mm tall. 

$129.95 AUD plus P&H SOLD

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Totonac Figurine Couple

This is a replica figurine of Pre Columbian decent.

These were called "

Smiling Figures" and most were found in funerary locations in tombs. This is a pair of male and female figurines.

Archaeologists have not yet deciphered their purpose.

Totonac from South and Central Veracruz.

200mm tall.

$89.95 AUD plus P&H 

Navajo Nations Stone Axe

A reproduction of a Navajo stone axe made in the US.

410mm long. The stone axe head is attached to the top of the handle with fibres (sometimes juniper) which are wet. As the fires dry they pull tight against the handle ensuring the head is rigidly affixes. The shaft is decorated and painted with turquoise paint.

$45.95AUD plus P&H

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Inca Tumi Knife

A reproduction of a pre Columbian Tumi ceremonial knife as used by Andean cultures. 

Ceramic casting model. 190 x 100mm.

$29.95AUD plus P&H SOLD

Temple of the Sun-Machu Pichu

An Inca Temple located at the highest point at the site of Machu Pichu. It was a place of sacrifice and rituals where only the priest and high officials were allowed to be.

It is a unique semi circular structure that is composed of the same tight fitting stones as the rest of the site and built over a rock stone cave that may have served as a royal tomb. It was here that the Incas worshipped the sun.

140mm diameter

$49.95AUD plus P&H

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Inca Chieftain Vessel

A ceramic vessel 135mm of the head of an Inca Chieftain wearing traditional hat.

$49.95AUD plus P&H

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